Synonyms and combinations
= Cracca anthylloides (Hochst. ex Webb) Kuntze
Tephrosia anthylloides Hochst. ex Webb
= Cracca richardiana Kuntze
Tephrosia quartiniana Cufod. ex Greuter & Burdet (unacceptable)
Tephrosia vicioides A.Rich. (unacceptable)
= Tephrosia apollinea Guill. & Perr. (unacceptable)
= Tephrosia cordofana Hochst. ex Baker
= Tephrosia hirsuta Schumach. & Thonn.
= Tephrosia ilorinensis J.R.Drumm. ex Baker f.
= Tephrosia mossambicensis Schinz
= Tephrosia transjubensis Chiov.
= Tephrosia uniflora var. parvifolia Baker f.
Algeria , Angola , Botswana , Burkina , Cameroon , Cape Verde , Chad , Djibouti , Egypt , Eritrea , Ethiopia , Ghana , Gulf of Guinea Is. , Ivory Coast , Kenya , Mali , Mauritania , Mozambique , Namibia , Niger , Nigeria , Northern Provinces , Oman , Pakistan , Saudi Arabia , Senegal , Socotra , Somalia , Sudan , Tanzania , Yemen , Zimbabwe

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